Year: 2015

Part of the requirements after being convicted of a sex offense may be that you have to register with your local police department, and that registration may be once a year or again, depending on the type of charge you plead guilty to, could actually be every 90…

Many clients come into my office that have been charged with speeding. There are a number of different points that can be assigned to that speeding; it can be as little as two and upwards of five. It’s important to hire an attorney right away. There are a…

Being charged with possessing a handgun in New Jersey is an extremely serious offense. It is a second degree offense where you are facing a mandatory five to ten years in prison if you are found guilty or plead guilty to that charge. Even more serious is the…

I often meet with people who have been charged with a burglary and the first thing they’ll say to me is: well, I went into that house but I did not go into that house with the intent to steal anything. Unfortunately, in New Jersey, that does not…

I often get people in my office that have issued a check to somebody where that check later bounced and now they may be with passing a bad check, and the question usually is: am I guilty for passing that bad check? The answer to that is maybe….

Question: I was recently charged with criminal trespassing for entering in someone’s house and sleeping on their couch. This was accidental and not purposely done. I thought I was entering my friend’s place and unfortunately I was also intoxicated when this happened! What should I expect at the hearing, and…

If you’ve been charged with using a cell phone in the car, it’s important to note that the violation penalties have changed very recently. For a first offense of using that cell phone not hands-free, you are facing a penalty of between two and four hundred dollars. For…

If you’ve been charged with leaving the scene of an accident, it’s important to contact an attorney right away. There are serious ramifications for leaving a scene of an accident. There are a number of different things; if somebody was killed, it could be an indictable offense, if…

With a federal crime or federal offense, a person violated a federal law rather than state law. Additionally, federal crimes can also take place when a crime occurs on federal property. Some crimes, such as drug-related offenses, may be considered both federal and state crimes, but the federal…

Having multiple traffic tickets, especially if you do not pay them, can result in the suspension of your driver’s license. Depending on the traffic tickets, penalties can vary, but your first move should be to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney who can help you try and avoid…