Year: 2016

There are many different types of white-collar crimes in New Jersey that involve fraud. However, cases concerning credit card fraud are different from other fraud cases. There are numerous ways in which a person can commit credit card fraud in New Jersey, and defendants who have been charged…

Have you recently been arrested for or charged with theft crimes in New Jersey? You likely know that you can face serious penalties if you are convicted, including monetary fines and imprisonment. In addition to the immediate penalties imposed by the court, a criminal conviction of a misdemeanor…

When a person is arrested, the police are supposed to read them their rights as a person facing criminal allegations. This reading, sometimes known as a Miranda warning or a reading of the Miranda rights, is a basic part of most arrests and is required in many cases….

With a multitude of internet resources and books available regarding how the law works, many people believe that they are capable of handling their own defense if charged with a crime. However, even minor criminal convictions can have significantly greater effects than a person may first realize. Additionally,…

Expunging your record in New Jersey, unfortunately, is a fairly lengthy process which can take upwards of six or seven months. If a determination has been made that your record can be expunged, then the necessary paperwork has to be done. So what does that include? That includes…