When you or a loved one has been arrested or indicted on drug charges, panic, and dread can set in as you realize the severity of the penalties and the seemingly uphill battle ahead of you. No matter what the charges, the prospect of a criminal drug trial or conviction on your record can wreak havoc on your future and cause extreme stress for your family and loved ones.
The severe and long-lasting consequences of a potential criminal drug conviction require swift and serious legal representation. And when your freedom and future are on the line, you need an aggressive drug crimes lawyer with the specific experience and level of understanding needed to handle the complexities of your criminal drug case. As a former New Jersey drug crime prosecutor-turned-defense attorney, Jason A. Volet has practical insights into how drug investigations work and what tactics the prosecution may be planning. He has the negotiation skills and the drive to fight fiercely in your defense.
When you or a loved one is facing years in jail and thousands of dollars in fines, you need a highly qualified New Jersey drug defense lawyer on your side. We know that when you’re under this type of pressure, you may be tempted to go with the lawyer who gives you the best “deal.” But you know how the old saying goes: You get what you pay for. Are you willing to risk your future and freedom just to save a few dollars?
The criminal defense team at The Law Office of Jason A. Volet, has extensive experience, crucial insight, and solid legal skills necessary to put up a strong defense for you. Contact our New Jersey drug crime attorney now to go over the details of your case and map out the legal strategy you need.
What Should I Expect When Facing a Drug Charge in New Jersey?
The New Jersey criminal court system is complex, and a criminal drug case can take a long time to make its way through the system. Almost every step of the way, there are opportunities for a skilled defense attorney to negotiate on your behalf.
Before the arrest: You may get wind that someone has issued a complaint against you, that there is a warrant out for your arrest, or that an investigation is underway. Contacting an experienced New Jersey drug defense lawyer at this stage is crucial. An attorney can advise you of your rights and make sure you are not pushed into saying or doing something that’s not in your best interest.
First appearance and bail: Once you are arrested or receive a notice to appear in court, you will make your first appearance, where your bail will be determined. A criminal defense attorney will fight for the lowest possible bail, including the option of you being released on your own recognizance (or ROR), so you can be home with your family while preparing for the next steps in your case.
Substance abuse evaluation: If you are facing a drug charge, you may have to meet with the court’s substance abuse evaluators. They will test you for possible drugs in your system and discuss your history with drugs. Based on the evaluators’ recommendations, the judge may order a drug treatment program as a condition of your release.
Pre-trial activities: Before your drug case goes to trial, there are many opportunities for a knowledgeable New Jersey criminal defense attorney to intervene and argue that the charges should be downgraded or dismissed altogether. There will also be opportunities to negotiate a plea bargain, where the prosecutor may agree to reduce or drop charges, reduce the sentence, or offer probation instead of jail time. In some cases, your drug crimes attorney may be able to request pre-trial intervention (PTI), in which you could avoid formal prosecution altogether in exchange for completing a court-supervised community living program.
Indictment and arraignment: If you cannot reach a deal early, the prosecutor will present your case to a grand jury for indictment, followed by an arraignment, where a judge will formally read the charges against you. After the indictment, you and your attorney will be given access to all the evidence the prosecution intends to use against you in court. Before and after the arraignment, your attorney will continue to negotiate with the prosecutor if you are considering a plea deal. It is important to note that 70 percent of cases are resolved before they go to trial.
Trial: If your case goes to trial, that’s when you really need an experienced New Jersey criminal defense litigator on your side. Understanding how a jury works and what small things may influence their decision only comes with years of courtroom experience. A smart criminal defense attorney will also be thinking ahead to the appeals process and what issues may affect your case’s eventual outcome.
The sooner you make the decision to hire an experienced New Jersey drug crime defense lawyer, the sooner we can get to work on your case. Our legal team will aggressively pursue the many opportunities for early intervention to avoid the costs and risks associated with a trial. However, if your case does end up going to trial, you can trust that the loyal criminal defense litigation team at The Law Office of Jason A. Volet, will fight vigorously on your behalf.