New Jersey Prescription Theft Charges Lawyer N.J.S.A. 2C:20-3

Pharmacy theft, or the theft of prescription drugs from hospital and stand-alone pharmacies, has become an increasingly common crime nationally. As prescription drugs have become more popular for recreational use, their illicit sale value has increased dramatically and fueled the growth of pharmacy theft crimes in Freehold, New Jersey. Nevertheless, the potential benefits of pharmacy theft are outweighed by the potential consequences, which can be significant and severe.

If you or someone you know has been accused of committing pharmacy theft, it is important that you have strong legal representation to ensure that your rights and interests are fully protected.

Contact the New Jersey criminal defense attorneys from the Law Office of Jason A. Volet in Freehold and Neptune, NJ to discuss your case with a qualified member of our legal team and learn more about what you can do to defend yourself.

What are the Penalties for Pharmacy Theft in New Jersey?

Under N.J.S. § 2C:20-3, pharmacy theft occurs when a person unlawfully takes or exercises control over a pharmacy’s property (including prescription drugs) with the intent to deprive the pharmacy of it.

If convicted, a person could face serious consequences under N.J.S. §§ 2C:43-3 and 2C:43-6, including:

  • Crime of the third degree – If the amount of the prescription drugs was less than one kilogram or carried a value of less than $75,000, it would be a crime of the third-degree, or a felony. It would also be a crime of the third degree if the property was a New Jersey prescription blank. If convicted, a person could face up to a $15,000 fine (or double the pharmacy’s financial loss, whichever is higher) and/or a prison term of three to five years.
  • Crime of the second degree – If the amount of the controlled substance was in excess of one kilogram or carried a value of $75,000 or more, it would be a higher-level felony or a crime of the second-degree. If convicted, a person could face a prison term of five to 10 years and/or a fine of up to $150,000 (or double the pharmacy’s financial loss, whichever is higher).

Given these consequences, you should seek help from an experienced New Jersey criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible if you are charged with a pharmacy theft offense.

A person found guilty of pharmacy theft may be charged with a variety of crimes. The possible penalties that may result depending on the value of drugs stolen and the manner in which the theft was committed. These penalties include:

  • Fines up to $10,000
  • Prison sentences of up to 15 years
  • Enrollment in a drug treatment program
  • Community service
  • Lengthy probation periods

Pharmacy theft in New Jersey is a serious crime, and factors such as evidence of an intention to sell stolen goods can increase the severity of any penalties involved.

Contact an Experienced New Jersey Pharmacy Theft Defense Lawyer

If you or someone you know has been accused of pharmacy theft, contact the Freehold New Jersey drug crime lawyers from the Law Office of Jason A. Volet today to learn more about your legal options. Our office is located at 28 Court Street, Freehold, NJ 07728.

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